Mucus Free Diet
Along with the diet he also used natural alkaline herbs to clean the bodys cells on the cellular and intra-cellular level. Here are 21 of them. Alkaline Food List Flip Ebook Pages 1 10 Anyflip Anyflip Try adding these foods to your meals for added taste and extra nutrients. Mucus free diet . Eliminate Mucus and Treat Your Body Right. Eggs milk soy fish shellfish wheat tree nuts and milk are the foods most likely to cause food allergies. But like a baked sweet potato or acorn or squash that would be a better meal than to go eat a bunch of nuts and seeds even though they might be raw or avocado even though they might be raw. This cup of tea recipe provides your body with everything it needs to recover from RECIPES. Acidic Foods food with a PH of 0-7 Dairy milk cheese ice cream yogurt etc Hybrid Foods foods made by man by combining 2 different foods Meats. While it may seem like you cant eat anything because all of the major food groups have already been wiped out there are a