
Showing posts with the label kefir

How To Drink Kefir

Taking Kefir together with a sustained healthy diet high in fibre has been found to improve digestion reduce inflammation and symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Crohns disease and ulcers. Kefir is used for obesity athletic performance osteoporosis high cholesterol and many other conditions but there is no good scientific. From Weight Loss To Glowing Skin What Is Kefir If you experience side effects cut back or try drinking it on alternate days until your body becomes accustomed to this influx of good bacteria. How to drink kefir . See video demo below. If you are drinking water kefir then try to aim for a little bit more about 350ml is a good goal. Add a pint of milk leaving about 2cm head room if using a clip top jar or at least 5cm for a cloth-covered jar. Leave on the worktop for 18-24 hours to ferment. With that said many people recommend that you drink it at the start of the day. Not all people have the same experiences with kefir and you should take your own expe