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Great Pacific Garbage Patch Google Earth

After hearing about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch earlier this year an area the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean filled with trash I went looking for it on Google Earth. It spans waters from the West Coast of North America to Japan. 300 Mile Swim Through The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Will Collect Data On Plastic Pollution The patch is actually made up of two parts. Great pacific garbage patch google earth . State of Texas or Alaska or even to the country of Afghanistan. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch GPGP is the largest and most infamous of the five respectively six ocean gyres if you want to read more about what an ocean gyre is and how it forms. The wind on earth all points to one spot and carries the plastic that way. But the bad news is bad enough. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch also known as the Pacific trash vortex spans waters from the West Coast of North America to Japan. Biggest ocean desert ocean trash the great pacific garbage great pacific garbage patch